New England Pioneer's Cabin (4Ground) AML-101

New England Pioneer's Cabin (4Ground) AML-101

£25.50  £22.95

Availability: Unavailable

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SKU: 28S-AML-101



This highly detailed laser cut wargames model joins 4Ground’s growing range of  American Legend buildings.  Like many in the range this building makes an ideal objective or terrain piece for The French Indian Wars, The War Of Independence, The War Of 1812-15, the Civil War, Wild West and even early C20th Prohibition Bootleg Gangs.

The first New England Pioneering Pilgrims build Cabins (a single roomed dwelling) and houses in their Tudor/Stuart traditional timber framed way, with clapboard sidings and thatched roof.  In 1638 the first Swedish Cabins were build in the Delaware and Brandywine valleys by Colonists to New Sweden, eventually copied by their neighbours, these cabins were easy to make with their horizontal ‘Log On Log’ construction because of the local abundance of large straight timbers, any gaps between the logs were chinked (filled) with a mix of mud, clay, horse hair, moss and even grass, locking notched corners gave great structural stability.  Their split shingle roofing, with ridge shingles always overhanging lee-would of the cabin, was more durable than thatch.  Chimneys where constructed by making a wooden frame, with fire box lining and stack infilling made from coursed small stones.  ‘Log On Log’ cabins would become so common among Americas future pioneers and settlers that eventually the name “cabin” usually applied to just this type of dwelling.

Add corrugated iron to give this building a Moonshiner or "Down Under" feel.
Weight 450g for postage purposes. Miniatures shown for scale purposes and are not included. See Customer Service page for details of postage charges.