Bulgarian Infantry Platoon

Bulgarian Infantry Platoon

£40.00  £35.00

Availability: 5 in stock




  • Platoon Command – 4 figs (officer, medic, runner w/rifle, NCO with smg)
  • Rifles I – 4 figs
  • Rifles II – 4 figs
  • Rifles III - 4 figs
  • NCO’s – 4 figs (2 with smg, 2 with rifle)
  • LMG Teams – 4 figs

Weapons are Mannlicher rifles, Madsen LMG’s and the odd ZK-383 smg (2 of the NCO’s plus the NCO in the platoon command). 

Weight for shipping is 150g. See Customer Service page (link at bottom of page) for full postage rates. Unpainted. Sculpted by Andrew Ellis.