Annie the Pack Handler - Bad Squiddo Games

Annie the Pack Handler - Bad Squiddo Games


Availability: 2 in stock




It seemed lighter for the first few miles. Bad Squiddo owner Annie Norman returns, this time popping up in the fantasy line. A mighty warrior? No, she carries all their things, diligently though - mostly happy to be useful. She's stronger than she looks, apparently it's all about technique. She regrets not tying her hair up though as she can not blow that strand out of her eyes no matter how hard she tries.

Occasionally Annie and Norbert, the Pack Pony, get competitive to pass the time and indulge in some races, but Norbert always wins. He does a triumphant jig as Annie is stuck on her back, red faced, wiggling like an upturned tortoise.
Cast in top quality RESIN, single piece, and 28mm scale, she comes unpainted. Shown painted by John Morris.