Haunted Tombstones (3) - Bad Squiddo Games

Haunted Tombstones (3) - Bad Squiddo Games


Availability: 2 in stock




3 piece kit of unique sculpts of tombstones with spooky skeleton companions. These make a superb "front rank" centerpiece for a graveyard, or perhaps unit fillers for skeletons or ghosts? Back from the beyond to float about and caress their graves, as all good goths do. Easily painted up with a bit of grey and a bit of spooky blue drybrushed white! How about them scattered around a board, one under a solitary tree? Also: objective markers!

Each part is hand sculpted with care and attention to quirkiness. There is a lot of soul in these sculpts. (SOUL, GEDDIT?!!)

Cast in high quality resin, supplied unpainted. They are made to scale with 28mm miniatures, some ideas of the scale are shown in the extra photos in the gallery above (click any image next to the main one). The resin is non brittle and very easy to work with.